Matching Jobs and Jobseekers

A linkup with Cramoil


As the COVID-19 forced many industries to a halt, jobs were inevitably lost – but it is also said that opportunities can be wrested from crises. And it was in this spirit that the COOS-3:16 team embarked on the Jobs Initiative to get information on available jobs from businesses, and disseminating the information to the various church communities. 

The team wasted no time in linking up with waste disposal company Cramoil to ascertain the job opportunities available, and within the short span of a month, the vacancies were filled – jobs such as drivers, general workers, chemical engineers and station managers were swiftly matched with candidates who fit the bill.

The COOS-3:16 team is certainly not resting on its laurels as it continues to work to link more Christian job seekers with businesses owned by church members, and hopefully evidence the church as a place where family truly takes care of family.


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